This is our journey here, to learn to give and receive love. Overcoming the feeling of loneliness is a challenge most of us feel at some point in our lives. We can take comfort when we remember the Savior in the garden of Gethsemane. He too, felt alone, and understands our deepest pain and heartache. As we follow his teachings, we will grow to expand our own heart to greater love and become more open to our Heavenly Father’s love that is always around us. We each are his child, his son or daughter. And he wants to hear from us! Perhaps the best way to grow to feel his love is by nurturing our communication with him through prayer, our divine connection to him.
I talk of my own experience learning this in The Awakening Heart :
The gift of love was freely given to me, but the gift of communicating with him was not. In the spirit world I had been able to express my feelings without using words. Our communication was pure and without effort. Back on earth, I found no words that could express my thoughts and emotions. I knew that God already knew my heart; he could see my desire for direct contact within it…I began to think of God as more of a father…someone personal and loving, not just an authority figure. We talked together as parent and child. I shared with him my joys and fears. I began to thank him for the things in which he expressed himself, which was just about everything. I began to look forward to those times we had and soon found that my talks with him did not have to be at night, on my knees, but that I could have an ongoing communication with him all day long. — The Awakening Heart, pp. 45-47